Who really wants to go to traffic school? But if you have to take a traffic ticket dismissal class, why not complete trafficschool online? Not only will you get a nice discount without using a coupon, you will get a county court approved course that is easy to finish in a timely manner!
 Defensive Driving Courses for Select States Some states offer great insurance discounts for customers who complete an accredited traffic school program. To see if your state has a defensive driving program that will save you big $$ and make you a more aware, safer driver - simply click below to see what courses will help you get there!
Fleet Traffic School Services - Customized by TeenDriversEd.com Do you or someone you know manage a fleet of vehicles? We have corporate and small business traffic school programs designed to keep your employees on the road safely. Studies show that employees participating in defensive driver training end up saving the company significant amounts of money in lost work days and workers compensation. Call us toll-free to learn more about this exciting opportunity.
Our Courses are Self Paced With our online traffic ticket course, getting your citation dismissed has never been easier. You can take as little or as much time as you need to finish each lesson. Want to take the TeenDriversEd.com course all in one day? Not a problem. Are you busy with work, school, or other areas of life? Not an issue - you can take the course over several days or weeks. It's entirely up to you how long your online trafficschool program will take!
The Course You Can Take From Anywhere You Can Get Connected Our course is totally online, which means you can take it from literally anywhere you can get an internet connection. Students in the past have completed their Teen course from home, work, college, a public library, a friends house, or even a coffee shop with their laptop connection. Bottom line: if you can get on line, you can take our safety course - it's that simple!